Sreerag S.

Govt V HSS , NJEKKAD week - 8 (31st July - 4th August 2023)

31st July 2023, Monday

                          Today we reached school on usual time. Then we went to HM'S room for signing our attendance register. After signing the attendance register, we fall back to our allotted class room and start practicing my lesson plan. After the school prayer , I fall back to my works. On third hour, I went to teacher's staffroom for meeting my concern English teacher Deepa ma'am. Today , I had period on fifth hour in 9.G class. Teacher had gave me the permission for conducting revesion in my class.
             On afternoon session we go to serve food for our students. After that we have our lunch and signed our attendance register in the presence of our HM. Then on 5th hour , I went to my class and discusses about the chapter Tolstoy Farm. I explained the parts , which students had confusion.

After that we left the school campus at 3:45 pm.

1st August 2023, Tuesday

                                Today we reached school on usual time. Then we went to HM'S room for signing our attendance register. After signing the attendance register, we fall back to our allotted class room and start practicing my lesson plan. After the school prayer , I fall back to my works. Today I have prepared for taking innovative lesson plan for my students of class 9.G. On third period after the morning break, I went to teacher's staffroom for getting sign in lesson plan from my concern English teacher Deepa ma'am. 
           Then I fall back to my allotted room and start practicing my innovative lesson plan. Then on afternoon session we went to serve food for our students. After serving food for our students, we had our lunch and after that we went to HM'S room for signing our attendance register in the presence of our HM. 
                                  Then on sixth period, I went to my class on positive mindset. I had taken Tenses and three major types of tenses for them. Firstly made them to identify their own definitions on Tense. Then I showed correct videos from tamil and malayalam movies for identifying Past, present and Future tenses. I also made them to create their own definitions. Then I provide some examples related to these forms of tenses. At the end , I given them the follow up activity. Totally today's class was very effective for students. They learned it in a new way and use ICT as teaching aid made more effect on students to actively present in the class. 
After 3:45 pm we left the school campus.

2nd August 2023, Wednesday
          Today we reached school on usual time. Then we went to HM'S room for signing our attendance register. After signing the attendance register, we fall back to our allotted class room and start practicing my lesson plan. After the school prayer , I fall back to my works. Today I have prepared for taking innovative work model for my students of class 9.G. 
                                             On third period ,after the break I went to staffroom and meet my concern English teacher Deepa ma'am and takes permission for taking innovative model for my students. On afternoon session we went serve food for our students. After serving food for our students, we had our lunch and after that we went to HM'S room for signing our attendance register in the presence of our HM. 
     Then on sixth period I went to my class with the model. Then I started taking class with my innovative work model. I showed a clock wise model of Sachin Tendulkar's life turning points according to the lesson 'Learning the Game'. The hour hand in clock coloured as green, which represents the current status of Sachin Tendulkar as a cricketer. The minute hand in the clock coloured as red, which represents the turning points that Sachin gone through his earlier life. With that model, I can explain the importance of time and the important decisions they make in their would affect their whole life. 

After National Anthem we left the school campus after 3:45pm.

4th August 2023, Friday
                                Today was the final day of our teaching practice program. We all reached our school campus on usual time at 9:15 am. Then we went to HM'S room for signing our attendance register. After signing the attendance register. We all jointly but some sweets for our students. We also buy a gift for our HM and also for our concern teachers. 
                                    On fourth hour , I and Athipa went to 9.G class and serve sweets for them. They all provide saperate feedbacks for us about our classes. Then we all together taken photos with our students. 
 Then we also gave feedback about our students and they all feel very happy. They gave their heart filled with love while we leaving the class. Then I met the class teacher of 9.G class and get blessings from her. Then I meet my concern English teacher Deepa ma'am on afternoon break and teacher gave me her blessings and I provide sweets for teacher. 
         Then we all gave gift to our HM Santhosh sir . Sir had a very pleasant moment with us. 

After that we had taken some pictures with the help of other students after the school time. 
After that we left our school campus after 4:00pm.                                               


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